Sunday, February 10, 2013

RGC 2013

Rally 2011 CrowdA couple weeks ago, we released a survey to find out where we should host ROBLOX Game Conference 2013. Since then, we’ve been leaking bits andpieces of information via the ROBLOX forums and Twitter, but not so much that we slowed the rumor mill. Will there be more than one? Where will they be held? Are there really going to be hobos? Today, we’re clearing the air – partially, at least.
There will, in fact, be three ROBLOX Game Conferences, in three separate locations. First up will be RGC Chicago on July 13th, 2013. The venue? The Museum of Science and Industry, right on the shore of Lake Michigan. We’re heading east from there. Waaay east. The second RGC will be in (drumroll… wait for it… the suspense!)… London! We’ll be there for a day of awesomeness on July 27th, 2013. It’ll be a proper good time, it will. Then we’ll be stateside again for the third RGC in August, but you’ll have to wait and see exactly where.
RGC CollageTo kick off the “tour” of RGCs, we’ll be setting up shop at Maker Faire Bay Area, which takes place on May 18 and 19 at the San Mateo Event Center in San Mateo, CA. If you’re in the region, come hang out with us (and many other great exhibitors) as we test out some new entertainment!
Here’s a nice, clean, bulleted recap of what you know so far:
  • 5/18 and 5/19: San Francisco Bay Area at Maker Faire
  • 7/13: Chicago, IL at the Museum of Science and Industry
  • 7/27: London at To Be Announced
  • 8/10/2013: ???
Keep your eyes peeled for further information in the near future — you can watch the blog for updates and track #RGC2013 on Twitter! For general RGC 

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