Friday, February 1, 2013

Roblox Studio 2013

   As you all may know, Roblox Studio 2.0 is no longer available. Why? Because Roblox Studio 2013 has bee released, yesterday, 1/31/13. The new Studio includes many new features, but some are almost useless. Many users have been complaining about this new studio, and we want your opinion! How do you feel about it? Why do you feel that way? How did it affect your building?
   Many users do not like the new studio due to lack in the ability to find things, The plugins folder is not yet to be found, and many more reasons. Although, I personally like the new studio, it just takes some adjusting. This new studio has more to offer, but it is somewhat confusing. So, tell us your likes/dislikes about the new Roblox studio by commenting on this blog post.

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